

1.Effects of egg yolk choline intake on cognitive functions and plasma choline levels in healthy middle-aged and older
  Japanese: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled parallel-group study.
  Lipids in Health and Disease 22:75, 2023.

2.Effects of Bifidobacterium longum CLA8013 on bowel movement improvement: 
  a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study 
  Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health 42 (3): 213-221, 2023.

3.Effects of food containing heat-killed Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 on immune function and physical conditions 
  -A randomized, double-blinded placebo-controlled, parallel-group study-
   薬理と治療 51 (6): 941-949, 2023.